Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Please join us at our new blog location:

To Our Followers:
Please join us at our new blog location.

We appreciate your kind support and want to invite you to continue hearing about the great residential products that we use to build Homes that Last.

This blog will be taken down so Google knows where to redirect us.
Again, all of our previous blogs will be there and we look forward to having you come with us.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

How do you "Tie-Down" a residential home?.

Building homes that last, start with the #SimpsonStrongTie products to "tie-down" your home.
We use #Simpson joist hangers, hurricane straps and truss connectors +++.
All the extra precautions, done inside the walls of your home, make it a home that will withstand all the harsh weather from all seasons in New England, and especially important if you are on the waterfront.

Thursday, September 3, 2015

All Solar Panels are not created equal.

We use #Winaico panels because they have a 25 year linear performance guarantee. By the time the solar investment is paid for, the panels are still operating efficiently.  Here is a photo of how the panels attach to an asphalt roof.